


5 avenue du Général de Gaulle, 94160 Saint Mandé France

At Joko, we leverage technology to help our users shop smarter: we help people preserve their purchasing power, buy more responsibly, and save time — all at once. Our ambition is to have a positive impact on the everyday life of hundreds of millions of consumers around the world. To achieve that, we have built an app as well as a smart browser that provide users with:

online and in-store cashback
automatically applied coupon codes
interest-free ‘buy now pay later’ on any shopping website
information on their purchases’ carbon emissions
and much more!
Joko was created in 2018 by Xavier, Alexandre, and Nicolas and the team has reached great milestones already:

2.5m+ users
2500+ merchant partners
€12m+ raised from leading European investors
45 team members
€10b+ transactions processed to date
If you want to know more about Joko, check out this page.

Filières et mastères spécialisés

Mathématiques, informatique théorique et recherche opérationnelle (MITRO)

Modélisation aléatoire et calculs scientifiques (MACS)

Réseaux mobiles et Internet des objets (RIO)

Télécommunications : technologies des réseaux de communication (TELECOM)

MS Big Data

MS Intelligence Artificielle

MS Innovation et Entrepreneuriat

Secteur d'activité
Services informatiques ou développement logiciel

Nombre d'employés

Description du profil recherché
We are looking for people who are willing to get out of their comfort zone to reach outstanding goals. Doers who never stop learning. People who are talented, optimistic, and fun: setting the bar high and willing to give feedback, but not taking themselves too seriously.

We value talents from diverse backgrounds and experiences to create great things together. We're hiring interns and Graduate Program associates (Tech, Business, Business Operations).

To achieve our ambition, we built Joko around 5 core values:
we set the bar high
we get things done
we care for others
we never stop learning
we make it fun
If these values are aligned with what you are looking for and who you are, we would love to meet you!

If you want to know more about our team, check out this page.

Nombre de stages de 1 mois disponibles

Nombre de stages de 6 mois disponibles

Nombre d'alternances disponibles

Propose des stages pour les étudiants d'un Mastère Spécialisé

Embauche des diplomés d'un Mastère Spécialisé

En cas de problème, merci de nous contacter.

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